Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sunday April 6, 2008
Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI)

Continuing our theme from yesterday on PE scores, here is another very popular index in use, call Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI). A total point score for a given patient is obtained by summing the patient's age in years and the points for each applicable characteristic.

  • Score Less than/= 65 is class I (very low risk)
  • Score 66–85 is class II (low risk)
  • Score 86–105 is class III (intermediate risk)
  • Score 106–125 is class IV (high risk)
  • Score more than 125 is class V (very high risk)

Predictors (Points Assigned in bracket)

Demographic characteristics

Age, (one point per yr Age)
Male sex (+10)

Comorbid illnesses

Cancer (+30)
Heart failure (+10)
Chronic lung disease (+10 )

Clinical findings

Pulse more than/= 110/min (+20)
Systolic BP less than 100 mm Hg (+30)
Respiratory rate more than/=30/min (+20)
Temperature less than 36°C (+20 )
Altered mental status* (+60)
Arterial oxygen saturation less than 90% ^ (+20)

* Defined as disorientation, lethargy, stupor, or coma.
^With and without the administration of supplemental oxygen

Reference: click to get article

1. Derivation and Validation of a Prognostic Model for Pulmonary Embolism, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Vol 172. pp. 1041-1046, (2005)

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